Caregiving Tips

Caregiving tips while traveling: What to know before you go

Whether you’re going on a trip with a loved one who needs extra support, or you’re going away without them, a great deal of planning goes into travel when you have caregiving responsibilities. It can feel daunting at first, but with the right preparation, sign-offs, and backup plans in place, a smooth trip is more achievable than one may realize.

Read on for advice from Wellthy’s care experts about what someone with caregiving responsibilities should keep in mind when traveling.

Prepare well in advance

It’s important to do your due diligence when traveling with a loved one that requires extra care. Conducting research on things like local hospitals and accommodation accessibility will help grant peace of mind. Further, you may want to consider getting in touch with your transportation provider’s customer service team, or TSA Cares, a group designed to help travelers with limitations get through security as smoothly as possible. And of course, creating detailed packing lists for you and your loved one will guarantee you bring everything you need.

Consult with primary care

Consulting with your loved one’s physician before booking any travel plans is crucial to ensuring their safety while away. When doing so, you’ll want to discuss considerations such as particular methods of travel that are most suitable for their limitations, if any vaccinations are required, or if medication is available to help with anxiety that may arise. This conversation would also be a good time to make sure that prescriptions can be refilled ahead of departure.

Maintain a routine

Even minor changes in a daily routine can be distressing, so try to keep parts of your loved one’s day-to-day at home consistent when traveling. This may look like keeping up with mealtimes, bedtime, and bathing schedules. It also might be comforting to bring along small objects from home, such as a pair of slippers, a soft blanket, or a favorite book.

Stay flexible

When traveling, you’ll want to keep plans flexible to accommodate for how your loved one might be feeling each day. Similar to maintaining a routine, building in ample time around daily activities and planning for rest periods throughout the day will pay off. For example, if you’re doing a sightseeing bus tour, you may want to take a break during one of the stops so your loved one can rest inside the quiet vehicle.

Take time for yourself

If you care for a loved one at home, it’s important to take well-deserved breaks on your own from time to time. This might be a trip away, in which case you’ll want to plan ahead to ensure everything runs smoothly in your absence. Establishing plans for mishaps and even emergencies while you’re away will ensure that your loved one is in good hands and grant you peace of mind so you can recharge and return refreshed!

Lean on Wellthy for support

Wellthy’s platform was designed to make caregivers’ lives easier - wherever they are in the world. That’s why we built tools like document storage, a prescription tracker, and contact lists into Wellthy’s Care Dashboard, so family caregivers can access every piece of information related to their loved one’s needs on the go. Whether you want to schedule medication reminders into your trip’s itinerary or make sure that those looking after your loved one have up-to-date emergency contacts, Wellthy’s platform is always at your fingertips.