Backup Care





Backup care that meets the modern and diverse needs of today's families

The Reality of Care Challenges for Families Today

Families are facing a stark reality when it comes to balancing work and care responsibilities. The data couldn’t be more clear:

  • 56% of parents have contemplated reducing their working hours due to caregiving needs;
  • 45% of parents are dissatisfied with their workplace childcare benefits;
  • 76% of working parents have used their PTO for childcare;
  • More than 25% are considering leaving the workforce entirely to focus on dependent care.

These numbers have surged post-COVID as childcare supply shrinks and family needs grow.

It’s all put a glaring spotlight on backup care—the emergency care that employees turn to when their regular care plans fall through—and how for many employees, accessing reliable, flexible backup care can be among the most frustrating and broken experiences.

At Wellthy, we know that families not only should expect more—they deserve more, as care needs only continue to expand.

Meeting the modern and diverse needs of today’s families

Backup care support for families is ripe for innovation and advancements that give families more flexibility and nimbleness—and especially more control when it comes to making sure their loved ones are cared for and supported.

Families today are looking for solutions that don’t require them to drop their loved ones off with strangers, allow unfamiliar care providers into their homes, travel to neighborhoods or communities inconvenient to their daily lives, or deal with rigid and inflexible services.

Indeed, families are already under enough stress and pressure when it comes to care—especially when backup care needs emerge. Provider shortages can exacerbate the problem, making quality care difficult to find, especially with short notice. And navigating backup care systems can be complicated and time-consuming for both families and employers. Families in urgent need of care simply do not have the capacity to sift through confusing options, adding to their stress and frustration.

Reimagining Backup Care at Wellthy

Wellthy works with some of the biggest employers and most committed companies when it comes to supporting caregivers in today’s workforce. In close partnership with many of our clients, we’ve built a refreshed and reimagined backup care solution—one that is more inclusive, flexible, and reliable for employees, and that is designed to meet the needs of today’s families and workforces. Here’s how:

Breaking Open Supply

Wellthy leverages the largest and most comprehensive network of Backup Care vendors and providers, through Wellthy’s proprietary Care Network. Our Care Network is an evolving database of more than 130,000 vetted, trusted providers in thousands of communities. No matter where your workforce lives, we’ll find care options that work. We go beyond providing a high quantity of options, and focus on quality by including highly-vetted traditional providers as well as local community programs, home-based daycares, and even coworking spaces with childcare. This range of options meets the unique needs of every family, including those with neurodiversity, special needs, and disabilities.

Embracing Agility

Wellthy’s Backup Care offering is designed to be seamless to use—as easy as ordering takeout from your phone! We provide a quick, reliable, and communicative experience for families, while ensuring employers get the documentation and information they need to guarantee benefit utilization.

Meeting Urgent Needs and Planning for the Future

Care plans can fall through unexpectedly—daycares close, babysitters cancel, and caregivers get sick. Wellthy’s Backup Care not only addresses these urgent needs but also works with families to build a proactive care circle so that when care plans inevitably change on a dime , families and employees are not left in a chaotic, frantic, and stressful bind. We help establish a custom care infrastructure that tackles short-term needs and sets up families for long-term success.

Let us show you what Wellthy’s Backup Care solution can do for your workforce

We’re working alongside some of the best and biggest companies to support their backup care needs, and to give their employees the flexibility, optionality, reliability, and peace of mind they need to meet their care needs.

And we’d be thrilled to show you how Wellthy’s Backup Care solution can support your teams. If you’d like to request a demo or a meeting to learn more about Wellthy Backup Care, fill out this form and a member of our team will be in touch.