The Wellthy Blog | A blog on caregiving, work, and Wellthy

Care Expert Spotlight – Kayell

Written by Team Wellthy | May 15, 2024 12:04:22 PM

With our Care Expert Spotlight series, we’re taking a peek into the lives of Wellthy's amazing care professionals. 

This month we spoke with Kayell Schmitt, a Care Adviser whose expertise spans across medical, mental health, and financial advising. Wellthy’s team of Care Coordinators and Advisers work directly with families to understand their care needs, create a care plan, prioritize tasks, and get things done on their behalf.

What is your background in?

Ah, where to start? My journey into this world began with medical coding and insurance—pretty niche, right? But as time went on, I found myself drawn into more areas. It’s like, you start with one puzzle piece, and before you know it, you’re putting the whole picture together. Working at Wellthy opened up a whole new chapter for me. I dove into mental health, tangled with financial advising, and even dipped my toes into end-of-life planning. It's been a whirlwind of learning, but it’s rewarding to use that knowledge to really make a difference.


How do you help families at Wellthy?

Think of me as the person who steps into the chaos of medical and insurance jargon, and somehow finds a way out. Families come to us carrying this heavy load of worry and confusion, and I get to help lighten that load. Whether it’s decoding an incomprehensible medical bill, navigating the labyrinth of insurance, or connecting them with the right medical or mental health resources, I’m all in. It’s about giving families the space to breathe, to focus on healing and being together, rather than getting lost in a sea of paperwork and red tape.


What is your personal connection to care?

Caregiving has been a part of my DNA. From helping manage my family’s health appointments to navigating my own personal health challenges, it’s been a journey. While difficult, these experiences ground me though. They remind me every day why I do what I do. There’s this moment of connection with the families I work with, you know? When I can look a family in the eye and say, ‘I get it, I’ve been there,’ and they know they’re not alone in this. That’s powerful.


How do you and your family members keep each other up to date on care needs?

It’s all about teamwork and keeping the lines of communication wide open. My family and I constantly update each other, making sure everyone’s in the loop. I tend to be the organizer of the bunch, arranging family calls and planning get-togethers that light up my mom’s world. It wasn’t always smooth sailing – getting to this point required honest conversations, especially with family members who wanted to contribute but were miles away. It was about finding that balance, making sure everyone felt involved without stepping on each other’s toes.


Any advice for someone just starting this caregiving journey?

Get started yesterday. Don’t wait for the storm to hit before you start looking for an umbrella. Having those difficult conversations about health, care, and wishes early on, it sets a foundation. You’ll thank yourself later when the inevitable hiccups of life happen. And they will happen. It’s about being as prepared as you can be, so when the winds change, you’re not knocked off your feet. Plus, knowing you’ve got a plan can ease that ever-present worry in the back of your mind.


How does your background make you a better Care Adviser?

It’s like being given a box of puzzle pieces without the picture on the front. My background has given me the tools to start putting those pieces together, even without the box. I’ve been in the trenches of medical bureaucracy, I’ve navigated the emotional rollercoaster of mental health care, and I’ve had to make tough financial decisions. So when a family comes to me, overwhelmed and unsure, I can genuinely say, ‘I know how you feel, let’s tackle this together.’ It’s not just about solving problems – it’s about understanding and empathizing with their journey.


What’s one thing people can do now to make future care easier?

Documentation. It sounds boring, but getting powers of attorney, medical directives, and all that sorted now can save you a world of stress later. It’s more than just paperwork – it’s about ensuring your loved one’s wishes are respected and that you’re not left guessing in a moment of crisis. Start those conversations early. Know what they want for their future and make sure it’s all down on paper. Trust me, in those high-pressure moments, you’ll be grateful for the clarity.


What is the most memorable Care Project you’ve worked on?

One night, I helped a woman navigate a miscarriage. I’ll never forget it. It was late and I was about to clock out, but then her case came through. It hit close to home for me, having been through similar losses myself. The raw emotion, the need for immediate support and understanding – it was a profound reminder of why this work matters. We managed to get her the help she needed right then, in the middle of the night. It’s a stark example of the difference we can make, being there for someone in their darkest hour. It’s not just about the big victories – sometimes, it’s those quiet moments of connection and support that leave the deepest impact.